My Plans and Forthcoming Works

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Hi people, I'm back after some looong study vacation. Although I won't be free for the whole time, but I'm trying to do a few more revamps and some rejuvenation.

First of all, I really want to change the appearance of this blog, and make it more interactive and appealling. I need to decrease the loading time too. Also, I really want to add a few more posts and polls. You might have seen a sudden spurt in the number of sponsored posts. Well, I had to do it as I need to switch to a new domain.

Secondly, I'm starting a few blogs, two to be more precise. One will be my personal blog and the second one, a blog on some blogger tweaks and some good templates. Else, I'll be merging the second one with the blog reviews.

Although this seems to be easy, it's going to be difficult to manage all the posting and the maintaining the blogs.And yes, my blog on James Bond also needs to 'restarted'. Currently, I'm brushing up some Photoshop basics, so that I can create some header designs and some banners for my upcoming works. I'm also considering buying some new domains to give a pro look altogether.

Let's hope this works out in the next few months...........All I need is your support and some suggestions. You can leave a comment here or contact me.

How The Insurance Companies Bully People...........

2 Responses

The other day, as I watched the ad of an insurance company boasting its services, I was wondering as to how these companies react when the real calamities befall. In some way or the other, these companies accept the premiums with both hands while at the time of claims, people literally have to spread both their hands. Then whether it is life insurance cover, car insurance, or medical insurance, these people literally make you run on your toes.

How can one forget how the companies reacted after the July 26th 2005 deluge in Mumbai? As it is, lakhs of people suffered immense losses in the form of property, vehicles, grains, and even lives. Godowns were filled with water, cars were submerged, yet the insurance people, instead of lending a helping hand, they added salt to their wounds by giving them only a percentage of the actual insured amount. And later, flood affected vehicles did not get anything!

Now let's talk about medical insurance. People diagnosed with problems of high blood pressure, diabetes and other obesity and heart related problems are never insured. Now check out some stats : one out of every seventeen Indians is diabetic. And three out of five suffer from high blood pressure and hypertension. And I need not say anything about obesity. That's the way the cookie crumbles....

Oh, I missed the most important part - the documentation. Damn, the number of documents and proofs you require to show your existence are simply terrorizing! If I want want to get a life insurance cover, I need to show my PAN(Permanent Account Number) card, ration card, a proof of my residence, my birth certificate, a document showing my existence!

All this reminds of Maddux, the fictional character in most James Hadley Chase's marvellous novels. He seems to smell frauds and scamsters even before they become one. He is the one who always avoids the payment of dues by proving something or the other. It is said that, for him, paying the dues, is like giving a pound of flesh.

Well, time for me to sign off, I'll be back with some more 'How blahblah folks fool you.....' stuff.
